Below is the information for the classes that will meet at 9:15 on Sundays
9:15 Sunday School Classes
Nursery - Leanne Davis
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1-2 Year Olds - Amanda Toups
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Pre-School - Jason/Melissa Zito
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1st - 2nd Grade - Julie Francis
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3rd - 4th Grade - Jennifer Dorhauer
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5th - 6th Grade - John Hecht
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7th - 8th Grade - Caroline Mons
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9th - 12th Grade Girls - Michell Turner
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9th - 12th Grade Boys - Kyle Toups
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College/Career - Leah Turner
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Young Adults (24 - 34) - Paul and M'Leigh Rouyea
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Men's Class - Mark Roberts
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Ladies Class - Beth Hill
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Adults (35-44) - Clint/Theresa Bankston
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Median Adult Class - Wes Bennett
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Median Adult Class - Scott Shoemaker
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Adults (45-54) - Harold Robinson
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Adults (45-64) - Jay & Laurie Simms
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Adults (65-Up) - Wayne Gilbert
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